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A-Z articles

A-Z-Intermittent-Self-Catheterisation-ISC - Vyne

A-Z Intermittent Self-Catheterisation (ISC)

Intermittent self-catheterisation, or ISC for short, is used if you can’t empty your bladder by yourself. This can happen short-term for example after a surgery or...
A-Z-Ileostomy Vyne

A-Z Ileostomy

An ileostomy means that your small intestine is brought out through an opening in your abdomen to form a stoma. This means that food waste...
A-Z-Nephrostomy - Vyne

A-Z Nephrostomy

A nephrostomy is a thin plastic tube that allows urine to drain from your kidney. It is inserted through the skin on your back into...
A-Z-Urethral-Catheter - Vyne

A-Z Urethral Catheter

A lot of people live their lives with a urethral catheter to effectively drain urine from their bladder. And even though living with a urethral...
A-Z-Urinary-Sheaths - Vyne

A-Z Urinary Sheaths

A urinary sheath is a great way to manage urinary incontinence in men. It’s a condom like catheter that sits over your penis. It has...
Your A-Z guide to colostomy Vyne

A-Z Colostomy

What is a colostomy? A colostomy is a surgical procedure by which a surgeon brings part of your large intestine through a hole in your...
Your A-Z guide to urostomy Vyne

A-Z Urostomy

If, for any reason, the bladder doesn’t work as it should, is injured or diseased, a urostomy might be needed to help you pass urine. So,...
Your ostomy basics - an A-Z guide Vyne

A-Z Ostomy

An ostomy is a surgical procedure by which a surgeon will create an exit route for urine and stool through a hole in your abdomen....



The most common bowel problems Vyne

The most common bowel problems

The lack of knowledge about bowel problems is often one of the main causes for the anxiety and d...
Sam H - May 27, 2022
Clinical Content Writer
Neurogenic bowel - what is it and what causes it? Vyne

Neurogenic bowel - what is it and what causes it?

A neurogenic bowel means that you are suffering from nerve damage that is causing your bowel to n...
Sam H - May 27, 2022
Clinical Content Writer
Your bowel basics - how does the digestive system work? Vyne

Your bowel basics - how does the digestive system work?

Without an explanation, the workings of the digestive system can look a little complicated. But d...
Sam H - May 27, 2022
Clinical Content Writer
Symptoms & causes of bladder issues Vyne

Symptoms & causes of bladder issues

Bladder issues are generally caused by problems with the muscles and nerves that help your bladde...
Sam H - May 27, 2022
Clinical Content Writer
Do I have to use the catheter supplies Im given? Vyne

Do I have to use the catheter supplies I’m given?

As a catheter user, you have the right to choose the supplies that work best for you. Learn more ...
Sam H - Sep 14, 2021
Clinical Content Writer
Our nurses' top tips for coming home from hospital with a catheter Vyne

Our nurses' top tips for coming home from hospital with a catheter

Coming home from hospital after just getting a catheter can feel a little daunting; especially if...
Sam H - Jul 27, 2021
Clinical Content Writer
What is the difference between a colostomy and an ileostomy? Vyne

What is the difference between a colostomy and an ileostomy?

On a first glance, both colostomies and ileostomies sound fairly similar. As the name suggests, t...
Sam H - Jul 14, 2021
Clinical Content Writer
What if my catheter isn't draining anymore? Vyne

What if my catheter isn't draining anymore?

From time to time, you might notice that your catheter seems to be draining slowly or not at all....
Sam H - Jul 9, 2021
Clinical Content Writer
Where is kidney pain felt? Vyne

Where is kidney pain felt?

Have you ever wondered if it’s your back that’s bothering you or if it might be your kidneys? If ...
Sam H - Jun 29, 2021
Clinical Content Writer
We are now a member of the Infection Prevention Society Vyne

We are now a member of the Infection Prevention Society

If the past year has taught us anything, then it’s how important the effective prevention of infe...
Sam H - May 19, 2021
Clinical Content Writer
Bladder cancer: causes, signs & treatment Vyne

Bladder cancer: causes, signs & treatment

About 10,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with bladder cancer every year, making it the 10th mo...
Sam H - May 11, 2021
Clinical Content Writer
Everything you need to know about bladder stones Vyne

Everything you need to know about bladder stones

If you’re unable to fully empty your bladder, you’re at a higher risk of developing bladder stone...
Sam H - May 11, 2021
Clinical Content Writer


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