Stoma caps are small, discreet covers that fit over the stoma, providing a lightweight and less noticeable alternative to traditional stoma bags. They are typically used when output from the stoma is minimal, and they offer comfort and convenience for short periods.
When can people use stoma caps?
Stoma caps are often used in specific situations, such as:
During Physical Activity: When minimal output is expected, and a full stoma bag is not necessary
For Short Outings: When the individual knows they won’t need a full bag due to minimal output
After a Colostomy Irrigation: When the bowel has been flushed out, and minimal output is expected for several hours
For Intimacy: Stoma caps are less bulky and can be more comfortable and discreet during intimate moments
Can I use a stoma cap?
You can use a stoma cap if your stoma output is well-managed, and you’ve consulted with your GP. They are more commonly used by individuals with a colostomy rather than an ileostomy due to the typically more solid output from a colostomy. It’s important to ensure that your output is low enough to avoid leakage or discomfort while using a cap.
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