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Bowel blockage and obstruction Vyne

Colostomy support

Bowel blockage and obstruction

Constipation, loose stools, and diarrhoea are among the fairly common experiences after an ileostomy or colostomy surgery.

Written by:

Sam H

Clinical Content Writer

Bowel blockage and obstruction Vyne


Bowel blockage and obstruction

After an ileostomy or colostomy, you might experience a partial or complete blockage of the bowel or a bowel obstruction. This can be caused by different things like certain foods that the bowel may find difficult to digest or the adhesion and scar tissues can prevent stool from passing through.


Symptoms of a bowel obstruction

The most common symptoms of blockages and obstruction are:

  • Swollen, hard, and/or bloated abdomen
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Swollen stoma
  • Acute abdominal pain and cramps
  • Not passing many poos, or only passing watery poos 


How is a bowel obstruction treated?

There are certain things you can do in order to relieve bowel obstruction and blockage.

  • Have a warm bath to stimulate a bowel movement and to ease any pain
  • Stop eating solid foods
  • Draw your knees in to your chest and rock from side to side
  • Drink hot drinks to stimulate a bowel movement
  • Increase your liquid intake
  • Massage the tummy and the area around the stoma

If the symptoms are persistent or severe and include extreme tummy pains and vomiting, please contact your doctor immediately.


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